Lamentation Wildflowers
Two of our members cataloged the beautiful variety of wildflowers on Lamentation Mountain this past summer (2022). Most of the native wildflowers pictured below were photographed by Heidi Brierley. The last one was photographed by Sigrun Gadwa.
Actaea rubra
red baneberry
Antennaria plantaginifolia plantain
leaved pussytoes
Lysimachia quadrifolia whorled yellow-loosestrife
Micranthes virginiensis
early small-flowered saxifrage
Mitella diphylla
two-leaf mitrewort or bishop's-cap
Penstemon digitalis
foxglove beardtongue
Rubus odoratus
flowering raspberry
Sambucus racemosa
red elderberry
Asclepias quadrifolia
four-leaved milkweed
Capnoides sempervirens
pink corydalis
Hypoxis hirsuta
common star-grass
Melampyrum lineare
cow wheat
Thalictrum (Anemonella) thalictroides rue-anemone
Triodanis perfoliata
clasping-leaved Venus'-looking-glass
Comandra umbellata
bastard toadflax
See these beautiful flowers for yourself next summer. Make plans to hike on Lamentation Mountain in Berlin, CT. Enjoy the natural flora of the area and take in the views along atop this central Connecticut trap rock ridge.