Volunteer Opportunities
Our committees can always use more active volunteers like you!
Publicity & Communications - Write news releases, take photographs, & create content for website, newsletters, Facebook and more
Membership/Fund-raising - Help raise funds for acquisitions, stewardship needs and special projects
Programs - Plan educational programs and outreach events
Cancellarini Service Award - Act as the key contact person for our annual Berlin High School Service Award presented in June
Land Acquisition - Contact and work with potential land donors
Fund Raising - Help raise funds to support land acquisition and BLT activities
Stewardship - Oversee and monitor BLT properties and perform maintenance when neccesary
Trails & Hiking -Promote hiking opportunities in central CT. Maintain and blaze new trails on BLT properties
To volunteer to be a land steward or any volunteer position, please complete our Volunteer Form or contact us if you are interested in supporting the land trust by monitoring a property in or around Berlin.
Contact us by phone at (860) 828-4393 or email us at berlinlandtrustct@gmail.com.
If you are unsure about what you'd like to do and would like to talk to us or meet in person, we invite you to call or attend an upcoming Board of Directors meeting. Read more at Who We Are.